Avoiding Common Mistakes During Umrah

In Islam, Umrah is another important pilgrimage with a lot of meaning to Muslims worldwide. It also creates a perfect opportunity through which Muslims can spiritually wash their souls, ask for forgiveness and renew their commitment to Allah. Umrah is not mandatory like Hajj but it will be very beneficial for the performing as there are numerous advantages.
A lot of Islamic travel agencies provide cheap Umrah packages UK for Muslims. While doing Umrah, the Muslims do not have to worry about undertaking any duties relating to the state. They can leave behind routine responsibilities and get involved in worship. Umrah brings comfort and fellowship to Muslims from different countries since people from many nations come to Makkah at the same time. Ultimately, it serves to draw individuals nearer to Allah, making it essential for those seeking his forgiveness and favor.
Every Muslim wants to travel to Saudi Arabia and do the Umrah. Umrah requires only basic planning, prayer, and sincere devotion.
Since Umrah is a religious practice, it must be performed with utmost seriousness and responsibility, adhering to strict regulations. It is on this sacred journey mistakes may happen. Also, by consulting the comprehensive guidebooks. These books are accessible both before and during the trip to avoid mistakes. This preparation can enrich the general experience and spiritual evolution.
See also: The Emotional Impact of Visiting the Holy Cities
Don’t Make These Mistake While Performing Umrah
To perform Umrah is an enjoyable and religious activity. Pre-Book cheap Umrah packages 2025 UK with kids, and get the opportunity to get closer to Allah (SWT). Muslims who are keen to travel should refrain from making these choices to maximize their profits.
Kissing the Black Stone
Another mistake would be to attempt to kiss the Black Stone while strolling since people will stop there for Tawaf. It is a Sunnah to kiss the Black Stone, and it is an honour for anyone who can do so. But such a lot of people cannot approach and get their target. Some want to touch it come close to them with a ten foot pole.
They turn to face the Black Stone, bow, and remain still, as though they are about to kiss the air. Some people extend their hand with a backward kiss, which is called ‘flying kisses’ to it. This technique is inconvenient, non-organised, and affects the smooth performance of Tawaf while resulting in significant congestion. This hinders other fellow pilgrims’ performance of their rituals and ceremonies. Instead of that, if you are away from the Black Stone, just gesture towards it with your right hand.
Say “Allāhu Akbar” and still march forward. Do not stand towards the Ka’bah and do not halt here. While everyone was in the open space, nobody’s capacity to perform Tawaf should be hindered. If you’re planning your December Umrah packages from UK, there are a few mistakes you shouldn’t make.
Reciting the Du’a together
Some people raise their voices high while praying during Tawaf. They pray mostly behind an Imam or an usher who reads different Du’as in a loud voice. The followers, thus others who are occupied with their own callings, may find this inclining. This way, it becomes rather difficult for them to concentrate on achieving Khushoo.
The use of loud noises, particularly screaming, is prohibited within the sacred Haram. Before the Tawaf, it is appropriate to consider the specific Du’as and Qur’an that you would like recited. You can then create your own Du’a in the language of your choice, using your own words and feelings. This practice helps in focus and contentment.
You should schedule your Du’as well in advance. Use Khushoo’ to make them a declaration to your inner self or heart. Keep in mind that you are offering a du’a in front of the All-Seeing, All-Hearing Lord. There is no danger in speaking to your Lord as long as the voices in prayer do not rise over each other.
Assigning particular Du’as for particular rounds
Some differentiate certain Du’as for every round of Tawaf or to say certain things during Tawaf. There are books specially allocated Du’as to be made for each round. But this is not from Shariah. The Prophet (SAW) and all his companions did not recite specific Du’as at Tawaf. If such a practice was relevant, he would have let us know and shown it to us as well. During Tawaf, he only ever willed a du’a when he finished every circle between the Yemeni Corner and the Black Stone. Thus, stick to the example of the Prophet and avoid Du’as which are considered supererogatory, but come from the heart. Plan for December Umrah packages from UK and follow Prophet Sunnah.
Performing Tawaf on behalf of another needy person
During TAwaf, most people make the following mistakes. They present the reward to their departed friend or family after performing Tawaf, which involves circumnavigating the Ka’bah seven times. There is a common habit for certain family and friends to ask someone else to “perform one Tawaf for them. However, this practice is illegal and unacceptable, and its legitimacy cannot be established.
The only two Islamic duties for which a person may designate a proxy are Hajj and Umrah. Tawaf cannot be fulfilled in this manner. If someone is not performing the Hajj or Umrah on another person’s behalf, they cannot perform Tawaf for them. Alternatively, it could be ingrained as a component of the entire Hajj trip to Mecca.
Several Umrahs
It is not a rare practice for several people to fulfil their own Umrahs after the completion of the others. They leave Makkah and travel to Masjid Ayesha or other Meeqat locations for an extra ihram and repeatedly perform Umrahs. Some perform one Umrah per day while others might perform more than one. However, this is not permissible from the Sunnah and it was not done by the Sahabah.
The Prophet (PBUH) would have made multiple Umrahs in one trip if it were beneficial to do so. The Sahabah would have followed his example as well had they followed the knowledge he had of them. For instance, while in the conquered Makkah for 19 days after the Conquest, the Prophet did not go out to perform more Umrahs even if he could. This may be an inference of the prohibition against performing multiple Umrahs in a single travel.
Assuming that the Jamarat are devils
Some people who go to the Jamarat to stone think they are stoning the devils only. They call this ceremony “Stoning the Shaitan” because they think they are stoning Iblees himself. However, this is not true. The Jamarat are not devils. Stoning is an act of worship and remembrance for Allah, along with the messenger of Allah. That is all it is. It is, however, important not to become emotional or to talk ill of the Jamarat. Additionally, now is the ideal moment to avoid pushing or struggling through this extremely important and momentous ceremony.
Grasping the Ka’bah
So they touch the Ka’bah or Maqam Ibrahim, that there is a blessing in this as well. They also put their hands on the columns in the Grand Mosque or the Prophet’s Mosque and wipe them. Then they rub their hands across their body, thinking this is as helpful as rubbing on their hands. However, the Islamic holy law, Shariah, does not, codify this practice. The Prophet did none of these actions. If it was good, he would have done so. Since he did not, we should not do them too, this was the reasoning behind it all.
Final Thoughts
Umrah is not simply performing Tawaf; it is more of worship. Therefore, there are many things that pilgrims can avoid when they have the proper knowledge about or regarding each one of them. Never forget that Allah (SWT) blesses your efforts and objectives. With this aim, we would seek His approval in an authentic and dedicated manner.